台州圆柱钕铁硼磁铁加工 蚌埠圆柱钕铁硼磁铁批发



Taizhou cylindrical NdFeB magnets machining refers to the process of precision machining of NdFeB magnets. In the machining process, special machine tools are used and CNC numerical control technology is adopted. Through cutting, milling, drilling, chamfering, tapping and other technologies, NdFeB magnets can be machined into various shapes of parts. In addition, laser cutting and electrolytic oil extraction can also be used to machined NdFeB magnets into the required shapes and sizes. The processed parts have accurate dimensions, close surface roughness and excellent surface quality. In addition, it also has good wear resistance, corrosion resistance and good impact resistance, which can be used to manufacture aerospace, ships, electronics, bearings and other important parts.




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